Monday, April 27, 2015

Nepal Eartquake : Digital maps and what you can help to help

MicroMapping: In micromapping you have to mark photos based on criteria. The criteria for the ImageClicker are:

  • No damage (Green): Either the picture shows an area with no damage at all, or the picture is irrelevant or unrelated.
  • Mild Damage (Orange): Picture shows mild damage, broken windows, felled trees, damaged vehicles, minor infrastructure damage.
  • Severe Damage (Red): Picture shows severe damage, leveled buildings, major infrastructure damage, destroyed vehicles, etc. 

Open Street Maps Project: The open street maps project, it simply adds a layer to a crowdsourced (and hence more rapidly  responsive) equivalent to google maps. so the goal right now is to map roads and tracks from satellite images that can be added to the 'humanitarian' layer on osm so that humanitarian organisations that are on their way to nepal can load them onto their devices as they go out into the field. so far, i've got word from the HOT mailing list that the red cross is using the edits from the HOTOSM project on their devices.
  1. If you want to contribute to ongoing Humanitarian Mapping efforts through Humanitarian, please do the following: Go through the 30 minute training on to learn the basics of humanitarian mapping using
  2. Then go to the HOTOSM Task M at and select a job that you feel comfortable contributing to. Read the direction carefully for the job, then go into one of the squares next to one that is marked as complete, and pan to the completed square so you can see how others are digitizing the features. It doesn't matter how long you work, or how many features you digitize. There are currently hundreds of people mapping on HOTOSM. Every edit counts.

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