Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Leadership (re- or un-)

Is Leadership important both - on the field and perhaps more in the dugout...

From the days of old... when life was simpler... when thoughts were anything but complex... when thoughts were As, Bs and Cs (and some increments)... mere placement of words didn't matter much... An un- here or a re- there:

A very simple illustration DO - was same as re-DO and un-DO... everything was in the MIND... one could easily re-MIND and un-MIND, BLINK your eyes and you're in the world of dream walkers, un-BLINK and in the world of dream walkers, what the heck — re-BLINK and in the world of dream walkers...

Ok guys - all for tonight... My friends Jack and Jonnie are here... I shall return soon - the moment I get sober and have re-gathered my senses or have un-gathered it...

Ok guys - all for tonight...

I say again...

Leadership is important both - on the field and perhaps more in the dugout...