Often you don't realize, but when you look into the mirror it sort of hits you... my favorite pony tail is gone so has that blue-red-yellow-gree t-shirt and also that black cap with skulls and crossbones... Looking down at the feet, you see that it is no longer the black steel toed boots... Looking closely, no more phone numbers scribbled on the palms of the hand...
Its odd how one stops noticing these things... very odd... looking into the mirror again, I see myself, with a new friend on my face - my spectacles... and an earlier friend no longer there (actually he was never on my face, he was in my hands and at times, in my fist -- my friend Jack...)
He does pay a visit once in a while though, its good seeing him...
Anyway, while there is still some sanity left, it has been some time... :-)
It has been some time...
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