I challenge you to think!
If you are participating in a one day discussion on environment protection, how much paper would you use during the day?
Now if you are participating in a world event, attended by dignitaries and delegates, including Heads of States and Heads of Government from across the world, how much paper would you need there?
Now multiply this number by 40,000 -- yes -- forty thousand was the particpation of the recently concluded United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, better known as Rio+20.
I am sure, you can all imagine, from a Conference of this importance and magnitude, how important the Outcome Document will be. And if even a third of the participants wanted the Document, about 50 pages, in print with them, it would mean that more than 650,000 sheets of paper would have been needed.
Do you know how much was actually used in this process? It was 30,000 sheets of paper!
That is less than 1 sheet of paper per participant!
Now it is my humble request, keep this basic statistic with you today. It's Friday, and if you can bring it with you next week when you come to work and try to use only one sheet of paper during the day. You will make a big difference and contribute a lot in saving our planet.
Thank you,