Thursday, January 27, 2011


I walk the lonely roads... I walk the empty lanes...

I think of my mind... I think of what was my mind...

People have a way of saying and a way of feeling: what is white - is good - is pure; what is black - is evil - is bad...

I think back, I think of a time when my mind was more sane... be it back or be it white, they are extremes, if you study one school of thought, you add everything, you get black, you add everything again, you get white; if you study this school of thought, you remove everything, you get white, you remember everything again, you get black...

I think back, come to the present, I dare not ask - for you are big - but yet I courage... Oh - you the wise - you the right tell me what is white, what is black?

For in your wildest of dreams - when you are the strongest - you are the mightiest of all, the strongest of all, the bravest of all, the one who is righteous - I dare you answer me ... which of this is pure - which of this is good - which of this is evil - which of this is bad ... accept my dare, for I am small ... I am insignificant ...

I dare you - step out of your armor, step out from behind the ranks and files of those who protect you, step in the dust - as I stand and display the courage to hear me now ...

... be it white, be it black... there is no contest ...

... both are extreme ... both are vile ...

... I dare not offend either - for I only dare myself ...

... for I am the grey...